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Is Tiktok Banned In Usa Now

TikTok Ban Update: No Immediate Shutdown, Legal Ramifications Remain Uncertain

Updated April 24, 2024, 10:27 AM EDT

Despite ongoing concerns, TikTok will not be disappearing from American smartphones anytime soon. The social media app remains operational, and users will not face legal consequences for its continued use.

The potential ban on TikTok has reached Congress, where it has garnered attention from lawmakers. However, the progress of the legislation is uncertain, and it is unlikely to be enacted promptly.

Updated April 23, 2024, 9:01 PM PDT

The looming deadline for a TikTok ban has been extended by an additional 90 days. This means that even without a sale, the app could continue operating until at least August 2024.

Despite the reprieve, the possibility of a ban remains, leaving the future of TikTok in the United States unclear. Stay tuned for further updates as this story develops.
